The resource will support the follow jobs: 1.Access management and payment tracking. 2.Department general administration support. 3.Report consolidation, includes Tech weekly report, MC monthly report, ORC monthly report, ULCR monthly report, OR monthly report and BIT quarterly report. 4.Staff engagement, includes Tech open sharing, Lunch & Learn and IT activities.
透過三大策略「Be the Best,Be the Change,Be the Difference」,提供員工多元化的職涯發展機會,同時確保具競爭力的薪資與福利,創造員工、企業及社會的三贏。除此之外,也致力打造更加健康、幸福的職場環境,全面照顧員工的身心健康、財務規劃、職涯發展以及人際關係,落實多元、平等與共融的企業文化,提升人才永續競爭力。